Friday, October 30, 2020

This Place is Not a Place of Honor: Sandia Report Marginalia

     The text is from one of the two major US Department of Energy reports for creating long term nuclear waste warning messages, specifically the report from 1993 for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant by Sandia National Laboratories. I annotated onto screenshots of the pages rather than on paper, since it's become easier for me to keep track of online sources than physical ones. These pages establish the requirements of any warning message, as presented by two different teams on the WIPP panel, and come relatively early in the  report. It's interesting to draw parallels between what the Sandia report deems important and the requirements of earlier efforts in the field of Nuclear Semiotics, and my notes are somewhat about assessing the team's design solutions and comparing them to other proposed markers.


  1. Nice combination here of notes to look up later (like that mysterious "Futures Board"), notes on things to discuss things later (like material longevity), and a lot of detailed correlations between the two reports under discussion, and others beyond them.

  2. There's a lot of really cool stuff here. I'm interested in learning more!


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